Why I Enrolled in the Profit Canvas
At the end of March 2018 I enrolled in an online course for artists in business, called The Profit Canvas, created by Alexis Fedor.
I first learned about Alexis from an interview she did with Owen Garratt (Marketing Tools for Artists). Now Owen is a successful artist and a straight shooter. And his recommendation goes a long way with me.
Last October, I signed up for a free training that Alexis was offering called The Money + Magic 30 Day Challenge. Never have I seen such a valuable free course! And throughout the training Alexis was incredibly generous. I mean over-the-top generous—with her time, her engagement in the facebook group, and the depth of training her free course. During the Challenge, and as a direct result of it, I sold two paintings! Also, you should know that I did less than half of the daily exercises and still saw meaningful results.
So, when Alexis offered another free training in March, I jumped at the opportunity. This training was very different. Instead of daily exercise, there were 3 deep-dive training videos. The first video is all about clarifying your purpose as a creative business owner – your WHY. The second video focused on creating a revenue plan for your business. The third video gave a comprehensive outline of the Profit Canvas—and not just teasers or filler—all meaty, actionable stuff. Take a look at the Profit Canvas Blueprint Here. (Shared with permission.)
At the end of the training Alexis launched her offer of the Profit Canvas course. Part of me wanted to jump at the opportunity, but another part of me didn’t want to spend any money, especially, I thought, if she is going to give away so much incredibly valuable material for free.
Of course, the most reliable recommendations are testimonials.